Saturday, March 29, 2008

late night post

Here is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago, and I thought it would be rather fitting to post it tonight. The story behind it was simply that I love to write poetry late at night, especially when the mind becomes tired and wanders in and out of reality. I hope you enjoy this poem titled Dimly Lit Poetry

2 am…

As I lie propped on a crushed pillow
Time is made for making thoughts at moonlight
Uncomfortably understanding my troubles and
The realization of my own reality

Under cloudy confections upon the canopy,
Strangling stars from this survivor of sleepless nights
I fall into dreamless dreams…
Of which I frequently forget the next morning.

Without notice droopy eyelids drop and it begins,
Sucked into another sentence of solitary confinement;
Wondering where I will wander throughout my mind
Preparing for what could possibly be paradise.

However, hallowed silence broken by a blaring alarm,
Assists the assassination of my innocent slumber.
Departing from darkness occupied by fabricated deceptions,
Existence is graciously granted a second chance.

…10 am

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