Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Destroy Mediocrity

I am back with a late night session. new album coming out soon for my band so i thought i would post some lyrics in the next couple of days so be on the look out for those. As for now I just beasted a serious lit review (no sleep tonight :{o) and afterwards i let my mind wander into my moleskin this is what came out of it enjoy. (nice mustache)

Staring into trees
holding answers, yet questions in turn
which makes ME question...
why should I read words placed by thoughtless hands
No feeling, no emotion...cold
Only fact and fear I say
the shadows of men burnt into the earth
leaving a trail to which their sons must follow
but it is not until we question
that our true potential is born!
we must dream....create....destroy
Take that what is most precious to you and do away with it
if you are able to do this then Mediocrity does not dwell with in you!
a tangible thought is not the mark of a dreamer
so question and live free my friends!
Destroy the Mediocrity of the world only to rebuild on its ashes
Raise a glass to beliefs, to faith, and hope...
and after you wipe your lips of the nectar of life
you will sit in your fortress created in a blissful ignorance of reality
born again into the impossible

See You Soon!